About Us

Our CEO :

“When I go to HCM ADVICE each morning, I look forward to seeing my employees. It’s great to see how motivated they work for our clients, how well they develop and how much we all learn from each other. “New Work” i.e. an open, friendly culture, is not just a concept but is something we live out every day.

I founded HCM ADVICE in 2009, after many years’ experience in SAP Human Capital Management working as a management consultant, a personnel officer, an interim manager, and in corporate finance. We started out working with some of my former clients and through their positive feedback and referrals, we have been growing steadily ever since. We welcome motivated candidates, or rather the next generation of HCM ADVICE managers, who want to build up and expand the company with us.”

In the following Video, our CEO talks about the exciting origins of HCM ADVICE. You will learn more about why high-quality services are our top priority and why our company philosophy is “friendly, professional and customer-oriented”.


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Not convinced yet? Find out here what our employees say about working at HCM ADVICE: